We have legislated responsibilities to participate in the preparation of an Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) in conjunction with emergency service agencies.
Towong Shire Council is a part of the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) which is a multi-agency collaboration group with members who bring organisation, industry or personal expertise to the task of developing a comprehensive emergency management plan for the municipality.
The MEMPC comprises representatives from Council, Country Fire Authority, Emergency Recovery Victoria, State Emergency Service, Victoria Police, Department Families Fairness and Housing, Red Cross, Ambulance Victoria, Forest Fire Management Victoria, Agriculture Victoria, Department of Health and four community representatives. The community representatives are:
- Sean Farrar
- Sharyn Nankervis
- Diana Nobbs
- Warren Lukins
The MEMPC's Municipal Emergency Management Plan covers the management, prevention, response, recovery and support arrangement for emergencies.
We offer specialised local knowledge about our locality, and our residents look to us for assistance during times of emergency and during the recovery process.
Our key emergency management positions include a Municipal Emergency Management Officer, a Municipal Recovery Manager and a Municipal Fire Prevention Officer.