
Every four years, on the fourth Saturday in October, the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) runs local government elections in Towong Shire. The most recent election was held in October 2020.
Towong Shire Council has five councilors. Each is elected to represent the Towong Shire community for a four-year term. The next election will be held in October 2024.
Governance Rules , Chapter 9 Election Period Policy
Key Dates for 2024 Council Elections
- Close of Roll Wednesday 7 August 2024, 4pm
- Nominations Open Monday 9 September 2024
- Nominations Close Tuesday 17 September 2024, 12pm
- Mailout of Ballot Packs Monday 7 October to Thursday 10 October 2024
- Close of Voting (Postal ballots must be in the mail by this time for your vote to be counted) Friday, 25 October 2024, 6pm
- Election Day (Latest date all results will be declared. No in-person voting) Saturday, 26 October 2024
- Deadline for inclusion of postal votes (Only votes posted before the close of voting can be accepted) Friday 1 November 2024, 12 pm
- Results Declaration Complete (Latest date all results will be declared) Friday 15 November 2024.
Council Elections 2024
Voting entitlements are changing for the 2024 Council election due to the legislation within the Local Government Act 2020, and some ratepayers may need to apply to enroll.
Enrolling as a ratepayer in Towong Shire Council
In a Victorian local council election there are two types of voters:
- State-enrolled: Australian citizens who are 18 or over and live in the council area.
- Council-enrolled: ratepayers such as property owners, occupiers or corporations.
You have one vote in Towong Shire Council. If you are a state-enrolled voter, that is the enrolment you use to vote.
Active Citizen Guide
A guide to getting involved in the 2024 Victorian Local Government Elections: Active Citizen Guide
This guide aims to inspire productive participation in local government elections, encouraging both candidates and citizens to engage.
Stand For Council
This year’s council elections are an opportunity for Victorians to elect the candidates who they think best represent, at the local level, their vision and interests for a better, stronger and more sustainable future.
Important Dates:
- Tuesday 20 August - Candidate Helper available
- Monday 9 September - Nominations open at 9 am
- Tuesday 17 September - Nominations, candidate statements, photographs, and questionnaires close at 12 noon
- Wednesday 18 September - Ballot draw
Useful links:
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) Citizen to Councillor Guide
For more information visit the MAV website
View the local council candidate handbook through the VEC website
State-Enrolled Voters
State-enrolled voters are usually enrolled for State and Federal elections, are Australian citizens and enroll at the place where they live.
You must enroll and vote if you:
- Are 18 years or older;
- Are an Australian citizen; and
- Have lived at your address in Towong Shire for longer than one month.
For more information visit the VEC website
Council-Enrolled Voters (ratepayers)
Council-enrolled voters are those who own property and who are not registered as a state-enrolled voter in that council. Examples include owners of holiday homes, businesses, or investment properties. Someone who owns the home they live in but is not an Australian citizen can also be a council-enrolled voter.
Ratepayers can apply to become council-enrolled voters in Towong Shire Council if they are:
- a property owner, occupier or represent a corporation
- 18 or older
- not a State-enrolled voter within the Towong Shire Council area.
These are known as council-enrolled voters.
The rules for council-enrolled voters have changed ahead of the 2024 council elections. These changes are explained below.
Owner ratepayers
You can apply to enroll in Towong Shire Council if you:
- own property and pay rates in the council area
- are 18 or older
- are not a state-enrolled voter who lives in Towong Shire Council.
This includes:
- Australian citizens who own a property in Towong Shire Council but do not live in the area (for example an investment or a holiday home)
- non-citizens over 18 who own a property and live in Towong Shire Council.
Up to 2 ratepayers can apply to enroll per property, but each person only gets one vote.
Occupier ratepayers
You can apply to enroll in Towong Shire Council if you:
- pay rates for a property that you occupy but do not own
- are 18 or older
- are not a state-enrolled voter.
Up to 2 people per property can apply to enroll, but each person only gets one vote.
You can apply to enroll to vote on behalf of a corporation if you:
- are a director or company secretary of a corporation that pays rates (either as an owner or an occupier) in the council area
- have consented to being appointed as the corporation’s representative
- are not already a state-enrolled voter or council-enrolled voter for the same council.
Only one person can apply to enroll as the corporation’s representative.
If you are not a State-Enrolled voter and meet the Council-Enrolled voter criteria you can apply to enroll directly to Towong Shire Council.
Once you are enrolled, you must vote for the October 2024 elections and onwards. If you don’t vote, you may get a fine.
Resigning your Council-enrolled ratepayer enrolment
If you don’t want to vote for that property anymore, you can apply to resign your enrolment.
Expiry of enrolment
Occupier ratepayers’ and corporations’ enrolment expires before the next local government general election.
If you want to continue to vote, you must apply to enroll again before the next local council general election (2028).
Towong Shire Council will send you an invitation when it is time to renew your enrolment.
Owner ratepayers’ enrolment does not expire, but they can apply to resign their enrolment.
Council by-elections
By-elections before October 2024
If you were a council-enrolled voter in Towong Shire Council at the 2020 local council general elections and your circumstances haven’t changed, you will be automatically enrolled for any by-elections that take place before October 2024. It is not compulsory for you to vote.
If you weren’t a council-enrolled voter in Towong Shire Council at the 2020 local council general elections, or your circumstances have changed, you can apply to enroll at any by-elections that take place before October 2024. It is not compulsory for you to vote.
If you want to vote in the next local council general election in October 2024, you will need to apply to enroll again.
By-elections after October 2024
If you apply to enroll for the local council elections in 2024, you will remain enrolled for any council by-elections up until 2028. It will be compulsory for you to vote.
Caretaker period 2024
- Councils must comply with special arrangements in the lead up to elections, known as the caretaker period. This is in accordance with the Local Government Act.
- The Act states that the election period starts on the last day on which nominations for the election can be received and finishes at 6pm on the election day.
- For the 2024 Council election, this means the election period will be from 12 Noon Tuesday September 17 until 6pm Saturday 26 October 2024.
The purpose of a caretaker period
A caretaker period:
- ensures that council actions don't interfere with the election process, and the election process is conducted in an ethical, fair and equitable way.
- safeguards the authority of the incoming council.
Council activity during the election period
During the election period:
- councils are prohibited from making certain types of decisions
- material produced by councils must not contain matter that will affect voting at the election.
More information
For information about Victorian elections, visit the VEC website