Childcare We operate childcare services at a number of centres throughout the Shire. All of these centres offer long day care programs. BellbridgeContact detailsPhone: (02) 6026 4373Email: Bellbridge Early Years Learning Centre, Craig Drive, Bellbridge VIC 3691Operating hoursMonday - Friday: 7.30am - 6pm TallangattaContact detailsPhone: (02) 6071 2282Email: Tallangatta Early Years Learning Centre, Towong Street, Tallangatta VIC 3700Operating hoursMonday - Friday: 7am - 6pm WalwaContact detailsPhone: 0438 409 575Email: Walwa Early Years Learning Centre, 4 Main Street, Walwa VIC 3709Operating hoursMonday and Tuesday: 9am - 4.30pm Childcare enrolmentTo enrol your child at one of our childcare centres, visit our Enrolment portal. Enrol now