The Great River Road
About this project

In 2016, Towong Shire Council developed the Upper Murray 2030 Vision Plan following a comprehensive community consultation process.
The plan identified and explored the implementation of ‘game changing’ projects for the Upper Murray, including The Great River Road and Town Trails.
The 153km Great River Road stretches from Bellbridge to Khancoban, following the curves and bends of the Murray River. The road offers the best touring experience of the Murray River with views unique to the Upper Murray mountains and valleys, and the spectacular snowy mountains as the backdrop.
The Great River Road Project aims to make the route a premier destination for drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, bushwalkers and campers.
Stage 1
Stage 1 of The Great River Road was completed in 2019, which included the delivery of five stunning and interactive sculptures, including the Bogong Moth and Murray Cod at Tintaldra, the Murray Cray at Bringenbrong, the Wedge-tailed Eagle at Mount Alfred Gap and the Rainbow Trout at Khancoban.
During Stage 1, a number of future extensions were identified and were earmarked to form Stage 2 of the project.
Stage 2
Stage 2 involves the delivery of eight key projects with most identified by the Shire’s Community Recovery Committees to assist in the ongoing recovery process, including additional wayside stops, walking trails and a marketing campaign.
The project is funded by a $5 million grant from the Victorian Government's Bushfire Recovery Regional Economic Stimulus and Resilience Fund.

Project updates
August 2022
In July, Council met with Walwa community members to discuss upcoming works for the Great River Road project.
Key topics discussed included:
. Remediation and maintenance works on various walking paths and trees
. Support for ‘woodland grey’ as the colour for the pedestrian bridges
. Access to the temporary toilet facilities at the Walwa Park while the existing block is being refurbished.
Council will be working to address these matters as part of the ongoing delivery of the Great River Road Project.
March 2023
The production of a marketing plan for the future promotion of the Great River Road is underway. We want to ensure we know of all the businesses and experiences that visitors will have an opportunity to engage with whilst travelling the touring route.
Call for expressions of interest
We're transforming the Murray River Road from a road less travelled to one of the most iconic road trips in Australia – the Great River Road!
Perhaps you operate a fly-fishing business on the side, host craft workshops, or have intentions of opening a farm gate. Whatever your business, if it’s a stone’s throw (an hour or so!) from the Great River Road, we want to make sure we know about it. Fill out an expression of interest form below.
October 2023
The first of the Great River Road's large-scale artworks opened for visitors.
This captivating creation was a joint effort by the gifted regional artists Glennys Briggs and Xavier Pinard, featuring the magnificent Lace Monitor! You can now admire this masterpiece at the Pine Mountain wayside stop.
November 2024
The final large-scale artwork on the Great River Road was installed.
'Your Song' is a stunning fabricated steel sculpture depicting two Brolgas that majestically rise above the Cumbungi along the Towong Walking Track. This beautiful piece is inspired by the poignant story of the last two Brolgas in Towong, who nested in the very wetlands where the sculpture now stands.
December 2024
New interpretive signage was installed along the Great River Road. Topics include indigenous history, early European settlement, the story behind some of the fantastic sculptures as well as the natural history of the area. See more on Facebook.
Project documents
Contact us about this project
Phone: 1300 365 222