Our Town Towards 2030

What is Our Town Towards 2030?
Our Town Towards 2030 will deliver town-specific ‘Place Plans’ through a placemaking and co-design process for five towns throughout Towong Shire: Bellbridge, Bethanga, Mitta Mitta, Corryong and Tallangatta. These Place Plans will set the vision and identify priorities for each town into the future.
The development of these Place Plans is a chance for us to re-imagine the way our towns work. It will allow us to bring together the big ideas that drive growth, while identifying the services, infrastructure and public spaces required to support the community.
Each Place Plan will have a shared set of goals and initiatives that can be developed and delivered over the next 10 years.
Why Place Plans for these towns?
Regional towns in Australia have experienced significant growth in recent years increasing pressure on services, housing, jobs and infrastructure. The five towns - Bellbridge, Bethanga, Corryong, Mitta Mitta and Tallangatta - all face unique challenges, as well as opportunities, that have been further exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the bushfires of 2019-20. Each town has a strategic role in Towong Shire and the regional networks surrounding them.
The Engagement Process
There are three engagement touchpoints as part of the process to create the Place Plans. We have just commenced Engagement 3 'Delivering the Vision'.
During the first engagement, ‘Let’s Chat’ we heard a broad cross section of views about what is unique and valued about each town, the future opportunities and some of the challenges. Thank you to all those who participated in the wide variety of online survey, community events, focus groups, one-to-one conversations and visited public displays, that we held with community members, groups and government agencies across March and April 2023.
Your feedback from Engagement 1 helped to identify some big ideas and future proposals for each town’s Draft Place Plan. These were the focus for the second engagement, called ‘Planning Ahead.’ This second engagement asked for your feedback on these themes and proposals and to determine ‘did we get it right?'.
When will we see the final plan?
The final place plans are available to view now. After the Draft Place Plans were presented and Engagement 2 (Planning Ahead) workshops were collectively co-designed and prioritised the big ideas and proposals, a Final Place Plan is being presented. The Final Place Plan will form a ‘roadmap’ for future projects, initiatives and strategies that the community and government can work collectively to achieve over the next 10 or so years.
Many of the initiatives will have physical and spatial realisations – for example an upgraded cycling track or tourism walks - however some may also relate to other organisational or community projects, or they may point to specific things which need further advocacy or exploration.
The final Place Plans are available to view below.